Revisiting Google Cloud Community Days’19

Aryendra Prakash Singh
3 min readDec 25, 2020


Images Credit: GDG Cloud New Delhi

Its a moment to cherish when you get an exclusive RSVP to an event as big as this one. Excitements aside, it has been even more nervous for me as it was an all-professionals event. The stage shining with sparkling lights and top-notch arrangements everywhere. Every attendee either sitting and listening thoroughly to the speaker sessions and the rest ones enjoying a cup of coffee and networking with each other in a corner. If you haven’t still guessed it yet, let me bring light to it, it was none other than the Google Cloud Community Day’19 , New Delhi.

Let me just take you forward to the very first thing, Google Cloud Community Days/GCCD, Since folks from around all the 8 GDG Cloud communities of India hosted their own versions of GCCD last year, It has been the biggest involvement of Cloud folks in the country parallelly . One thing that made it stand out more well was its commitment towards more professional attendees showing up and registrations from even nearby cities as well. It was a closed event and only people genuinely having cloud tech in corporate were RSVP’d. People working in cloud from years were pretty abundant here. Its motive was to bring more energy and light to the Cloud tech that less people know or talk about, also it had something or other for everyone.

From Developer Advocates to GDEs(Google Developer Experts), DevRels to Community Leads, there were some pretty BIG folks who gave their talks revolving around Google Cloud. The audience was overwhelmed with the innovative and interesting sessions by various speakers. It was even my first time when I actually heard to and met international speakers.

That’s all okay, but what about Food & Swags?

Well well well, A not to miss thing was some super-duper lunch along with some beautiful customized GDG Cloud cupcakes. The lunch hour was pretty dilemmatic, as some were just refilling their plates with food and were busy having it and the other ones trying to eat slow in order to get more time to talk and network to people around them. And at last, the best part came, yes obviously Swags. Damn Cool GCCD Tee and some attractive cloud stickers. These all made my Day!!!


The GDG Cloud, New Delhi, was certainly very proud to host this mega event, within a span of around couple of years only, the community rose its bar to a high altitude, it crossed 5,000 members too, well these accomplishments were a lot to be cheered upon. I was tremendously happy and proud to be contributing my bit in its everything.

Well this year, in these challenging times, the GDG Cloud communities from all over India haven’t compromised with their zeal and have joined forces in order to make GCCDI’20 a big hit. I am pretty excited for this after DevFest’20s grand success.

To know more about it and register for GCCDI’20, visit



Aryendra Prakash Singh

Designer | Developer | Video Editor | Web | Product Enthusiast | DSC Core | Speaker LinkedIn : Twitter :